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{♥}Merilyn Monroe;Brooke Shields;Dolly Parton{♥}


The name is Shazeilla but insist on calling me Elle . My special day is on 20|12|97 . SINGLEE/ATTACHED ? . I am a prisoner in Woodlands Ring Secondary School for 5 whole years starting from this year . I am a Normal Academic student and so what ? I am a HUGE FAN of Merilyn Monroe , Brooke Shields and Dolly Parton (; They have rocked my socks off (; I love playing Skateboard and Longboard ; but I don`t know how to stunt . I am a typical girl . The one you can`t find forever . I am addicted to Twilight saga . I`m just third-teen years old but I am SUPER RANDOM but SUPER FRIENDLY (; MSN , Facebook , Tagged ? ~ Got mouth , ASK .
To any private blogs , my email is ; shazeilla_azie@html.cm



New Skateboard/Longboard/Swaveboard

Watch Shutter Island/Bounty Hunter

New Watch

New pants



ShoutMix chat widget

Want to be linked ? Tell me (;

Meet the people I love most♥

Yayaaaa♥ Fieeee♥ Eyqaaaah♥ Armeeraaaa♥
Kajaaaal♥ Nellyyy♥ Amyyyy Ke`ai♥ 1[phoenixxxx]♥ Rhynaaaa♥ Ilaaaa♥ Wardaaaah♥ Harliaaaa♥ Motherfucker[kosong]


I hate BACKSTABBERS , LIARS , ATTENTION SEEKERS , SWEET TALKERS and MINAH/MAT KEPOHKIA. Whatever that is written here will be my experience|story , You hate what I post ? Might as well leave . I dislike being judged , and i`m sure you dislike it too . You hate me ? Go click the X on the top-right corner of your screen . Yes , that one in red . SPAMMING ARE STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED IN MY BLOG . Still want spam ? Then I`ll ban .


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

May 2010
June 2010


Layout Designer:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh , Yanniie is alr attached to my Ian - the guy who I love most .
But its okay . It is confirm a revenge for me .
Cause I was the one who cause problems for Azry & Yanniie .
But now , I am the one who will get it back .
So Ian , I am SO missing you like hell - as a `friend` .
So , congratulation Yanniie for your new boyfriend (; 
Wish you don`t let him go like I do last time .
Thank you and goodbye .

Long time I never update . Cause SHITHEAD don`t let me use it .
Anybody can borrow me skateboard ?
I am craving for skateboard . I want to play skateboard (;
Okay . So , I cannot wait for tomorrow (;
Wild Wild Wet with RSFs & other peoples<3
Okay . I better end here . Shithead is waking up soon . 
BYEEEEEEE , sayangs<3


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
8:08 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello my sayangs (; Muaaah !
Azie rinduuuu korang . 
Eh , add my new FB ahkay ?
My new FB name is "AhZie Roqstarr Shazeilla" - Nama lama doh =.=
Yessss . Saya rindu kamu sangat sangat (;
Ahkay , goodbye . I`m shooing off !

Sayang kau forever !


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
1:08 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hello , readers ! 
Sudah lama saya tidak update eh ?
Hehe . You miss me ? I miss you (; Jokes ~
Currently at Fatimah crib , doing the History Project & the Flyers/Brochures .
Waah , Azie tq dapat tukar tempat duduk siao .
Itu motherfucker uh , tq bagyk ! 
& you know what ? - Itu pompan yq pegang pepek tuhr switched places with me .
& I really don`t like it =.="
& somemore , I sit FAR FAR AWAY from the stoopid Visualizer =.=
Behy tq nampak siao . Beh saya maki guru yq sedang mengajar itu .
Kay LAME=.="


Oh , Kai Li , I HATE YOU alright . You are just acting cute in front of us all . I agree with what Ms Joyce said , "Stop acting cute . Other teachers may like it . But I don`t ! So stop acting cute !" Yeaaah , you suck okay Kai Li . 

Haha . I`m fleeing off , MOTHERFUCKERS (;
Byebye , motherfuckers !


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
12:17 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010

Click here if you want to listen to the House Remix (;

goodbye .

{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
3:25 AM

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Waaaaaah. Kelakar sak. I love the _________________________________.
So FUNNY seeeeeey. Thanks eh, ___________.
Thank you SO much. Achuelie aku masih _______ pat dia.

Okei people , I`m back ! Just now was orang gila punya type (; I guess you all don`t need to know who .
Heh <3

Okaylaaah , I am so tired . 
I went to the Fu Chan Park again , with Fazilah (;

Okei , I`m so tired . Byebye , motherfuckers .


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
1:33 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Waaaah . Today , confirm long post . 
I sat for my Mathematics Paper 1 ; which don`t need any calculators (;
So , I think I did pretty well for this paper . I think I`ll pass my Maths with FLYING COLOURS .
Well , the secondary 2 lady ; Reeny ; gave me back my calculator (;
Well , your welcome Reeny (; Today as per normal .
Reach school in the morning then eat . Then wait for HIM to arrive then STARE at his gorgeous-ness .
Then Fazilah all arrived already . Then we chit chat for a while .
Then Shahirah said HE keeps on staring at me . & I did not believe it .
Okei , continue . But , the most funniest & dummiest thing that happened to me was .
Then panick siezed me . Then I cepat-cepat lari gi General Office (G.O) .
C`mon , read the conversation that were taken place on that time ; 
"Cher , I forgot to bring my pencilcase . Can I go back home?"
"But you cannot go back already . Because it is already time for you all to report to school ."
"But then how I am going to take Exam ?"
"You go call your mother & try ask her whether she can bring you your pencilcase ."
"My mother work uh . Only my auntie & uncle ."
"Then go call your uncle lah ."
"But I don`t know my house the phone number leh ."
"Then how ?"
"I think I borrow my friend`s stationary lah (giving a funny face behind the stupid idiotic teacher)."
"Okay , if like that then , what stationary you want ? We can lend it you , but you must return it back to us ."
"2 pens , 1 pencil & 1 eraser . Thats all ."
"Confirm ah . If not then you cannot borrow any stationaries anymore you know ."
"Okay okay . I know ."
"Make sure you return it back to G.O after you use it ."
"Okay okay . Thank you uh cher ."
went out of the fucking cold General Office .

Haha ! Funny right ? Singlish sia . Itu cikgu-keling MEPEK sak . Aku tumbok tetek dia baru tau .


Okay , after the stupid school , Fazilah , Fatimah & myself , went back home .
I went to my room & put my bag , Fazilah follow Fatimah . Fatimah siapsiap want to hantar her adek .
After teman-ing Fatimah to hantar her adek , me and Fazilah waited for the bus to arrive .
We boarded the bus & made fools of ourselves . VERY MEREPEK I tell you (;

Then we reached to our destination which is ; TRIPLE 888. The we go to KFC cause Basic haven`t open yet .
Then we eat porridge (; Then went out . Then went to Basic , cause Basic is already OPEN (;
Then Fazilah went to buy foolscap . Beh tiba-tiba got this three Fuchun Secondary guys came in .
2 of them is short & not HOT but the last one is tall & HOT . 
Then one of these short guy came very near to me & go push me [as in tolak sikit uh . Cam kacau kacau gituk] . 
Then I lost my balance & then TERpegeng Fazilah`s shoulders . 
Then diorank cm ikut ikut AZIEE sak .

Okei best , the tall guy was like , ALWAYS I repeat ALWAYS stare at me . So AZIEE dah cm , eh , diknik asal siut ? Nak terajang pon adr sak . Tapy AZIEE tq bulei , cause he is _____ (;
Then when Fazilah & me nak go Tekong Park , they followed us till Traffic Light . Then they crossed .
When its our turn to cross , they also cross , but the opposite site . 
Then , when we reached the pathway , the talltall guy wave at me . Then I wave back , dia dah wave , kita wave balik uh . Pe jek keng-korang niey . Tqmo salah faham okei . 

Beh he BLOW A KISS pt Aziee ! omygod , that ULTIMATE HOT guy just blow a kiss to me . & what , you think I`m faking ? NO ! I swear sia , he blew a kiss to me . So sweet kan ? But whatever it is , i.masih.cinta.azry.saya (;

Then , we went to Fu Shan Park laaaah , apr apr park uh . I wanted to go sembawang or yishun . Tapyk Fazilah katr tqnk , cause she malas & penat . So , we just went home . & thats it . & now , Azie belom change & I`m still typing here . So , okay . Need to butt off from this blog (;
GoodgoodByebye , motherfuckersxsx ^^,v

Labels: , ,

{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
12:11 AM

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TAGGS [look and see if you are in] ;

` AmyKeai Hello. I was here, tagged (:
Shaziey>AmyKeai ; Okei babe . Linked you already hunny boo (;

YayaBeyycok hha oke oke dear . ily aites girlf ! muah !
Shaziey > YayaBeyycok ; Aha ! Okei girlfriend . ILYT sweetheart . MUACKS<3

YayaBeyycok Yes why ? You know her ? Same skewl eh ?
Shaziey > YayaBeyycok ; Yeah pretty . I know her . Was just asking .

Warddy Cash Musiboot ! Link aku oi !
Shaziey > Warddy ; Daaaaaah >.<

eyqah; wooooooooohooooooooo .. same blog skin .. hehe .. :D so random seyh me .. (: viewed and tagged darling ! (:
Shaziey > Eyqah ; Okei babe ! Yes its true , so random of you . HAHA ! Okei okei .

nellySanchilo yes i knal her, ahsal ah ?
Shaziey > nellySanchilo ; Oh okei . Was just asking . Papr kitr chat pt school uh .

Labels: ,

{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
12:32 AM

Okei , TODAY was mad tiring .
A lesson which I hate MOST .
Maths SUCKS & its true . Cause almost everyone in Singapore HATE Maths .
Okei , whatever . So tired siaaa . Haven`t change into home baju yet .
Homeworks need to be done .So I`m going to Fatimah`s crib later on . For the History project .
Tomorrow is Mathematics Paper __ & seperti biasa , AZIEE MALAS NAK REVISE .
P/S ; My calculator is from this secondary 2 lady . But idk her name .

Okei ; goodbye , motherfuckers .

You want more info ? Picit number 8 ; 1 ; 7 ; 7 ; 1 ; 2 ; 1 ; 2 . Picit CALL . 
Behy nanti ada orang angkat , & go figure sapr tu .


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
12:16 AM

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today was FREAKING FREAKING tired . Lolsxsx =.= .
First ; Went to school like good girl gituuk .
Second ; Sampaaaai skola then eat .
Third ; Doing undone homeworks while waiting for HIM to arrive .
Fourth ; HE arrives and I stared at him .
Fifth ; Time to go to the stupid parade square .

& then blablabla , MALAS NAK SHARE .
Mom is back . & I need to cut short . BYE !


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
3:50 AM

Friday, May 7, 2010

Didn`t went to school today cause I`m freaking lazy (;
Coughing became more worst -.-
Currently eating in bed . Lazy to go out . Heheh .
NellySanchilo kenal YayaBeyycok & YayaBeyycok kenal NellySanchilo ?
So Random Of Me .
Okay .
Okay .
Okay .
I don`t know what to type . 
Fatimah just came to my house & gave me the homework .
A LOT sia . FISH x_x
Then at FB , currently chatting with Nyyrull KikaMika (;
Okaylaaah . Till here . 
Shaziey going FB ,


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
2:59 AM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eh , please eh . Don`t come to me & say those fucking sentences . Oh , berdosa pr tq layan qw ? Takut sia aku , banyak berdosaaaaaaaaaa -.- . Nanti aku pegi sembayang 5 waktu behy mintak ampun kepada Tuhan ; & suruh dia ampunkan dosa-dosaku . So please stop it eh . Makcik KEPOH pr korang , nak tanya-tanya ? Aku dah katr tq means tq . Tq reti bahasa pr ? Nak aku cakap dalam bahasa ;
Jeponn ; ノー ?
French ; Aucun ?
German ; Nicht ?
Vietnamese ; Không ?
Hindi ; नहीं ?

Confirm qw tqnk kan ? Dah tq means tq uh . Tqmo banyak bobal WORLD pt sini . Apr , mentang-mentang qw pangkat tinggi dari aku , but I still need the respect I needed . MYE is already started & you are still playing by asking me ? Do I look like an answer-sheet for you ? NO KAN ?! So please uh . Respect me can ? Eventhough I`m young , but people ALWAYS need the respect they needed bitches . So STOP asking & START studying .

You are just too good for me . People always asks the same thing , "Qw suka Azry eh" . The answer is YES . I like him . Whye ? You think I`m faking it ? Hah , kelakar uh you .

You gossip pasal I kan ? You think I don`t know ? Oh well , THINK AGAIN ! You bobal WORLD pt siniey pr . Tqmo sembarang ahkay bitch ? I respect you , you respect me too . I don`t go around gossiping about you dah bagus , so STOP gossiping about me .  You have totally dissapointed me bitch . So please eh , GET A LIFE ! Stop disrespecting INNOCENT people who tells you the truth !

I told you the truth & you think I`m lying ? , What kind of girl are you ? You are totally NOT a girl to me , you look somewhat like a GOSSIPING-MACHINE . Oh , I think yes you are . Please uh please , respect innocent people that tells you the truth & innocent people who does not do anything wrong to you . One more time , & you look what is going to happen between YOU & ME .


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
2:33 AM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hey you ! Yeah you ; the one reading my blog (;
What are you doing ? How are you ?
Okay , its SO random .

You know , I spent hours editing my blog . ZOMG !
I am damn tired lor . I stayed wide awake from my last post till now[07.35AM] without yawning .
P/S ; Don`t follow my clock *look down at the end of this post* cause it is late (;

& Dad , IMY . Today , 3rd May 2010 , is the last day I`m seeing you with Mama .
Daddy , I`m so sorry for the wrong things I`ve done , especially when I disrespect you .
Goodbye , Daddy . P/S ; I can still see you , WEEEE <3

Okay , currently listening to `Asyik-Amelina` . I love the part when she sings ;
"Syik asyik asyik asyik asyiknya bercinta . Seakan dunia milik berdua satukan rasa ."
[again ; SO RANDOM]
Ku ku ku punya cinta , Ku ku ku punya rindu <3 [singing]
Yeah , I need to go shower around 10+AM (;

Okay , let`s get to the _____ part .
Read this message ;
She said ; r uiie realliie into azry? jwb ngn jujur..
& I said ; Yeaaaah . But since eu are attached to him then , what to do . Dah eu jodoh denqan dia .
Then she haven`t replx till now .
Ian , IMYSM<3


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
5:37 PM

Hello hunks & babes (;
 Azie here updating this stooooopid blog (;
Now is 0450AM in the morning & I`m WIDE awake (;

Happy Birthday ;
To my dearest Sedara ; Armelia Mimi (21st)
Also to my Anak Sedara ; Nur Sabrina (unknown age)

Edited some of the RP photos . 
Up there *look up* is one of the RP photo .
Yeaaah , my editing sucks =P
Currently doing nothing but staring at the laptop (;

P/S ; there is somebody in my tagboard who said I`m her clone friend . & I thought it was Kak Layla . But it was not . So , idk who she is . So , if you are reading this post , please oh please tell me who you are (;

& with that , I`m off to FB .
Shazeilla signing off , byebye (;
Papr just talk to me at my tagboard .
If it is not working , do refresh (;
Tqmo malas-malas (;


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
1:55 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Eh hey . Elle disiniey . Updatinq blog .
So bored -.-" . Can anyone entertain me ?
Currently listening to `Sexplosion-East Clubbers` .
& also , chatting with NellySanchilo , my senior (;
You should see her face , PRETTY .
I wish I have gorgeous eyes like her (;
omygod ; its already 2.10AM & I am still not in bed ?
Wahliaowhey .
You know what , I tried Longboard . Then Skateboard . But I have not tried Swaveboard (:


{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
11:15 AM

Hello , readers (;
I am damn bored gila babi (;
Let me tell ya something ;
Okay , I don`t know what the hell to say .
Cause I am damn bored fucking gila gila bhabiey .
Currently listening to Rude Boy-Rihanna & Eenie Meenie-Justin Bieber at the same time .
I listen both songs at the same time cause I`m so bored .
& I am trying to listen to both .
Currently chatting with Hafizzul , Ian & Abaaaaaaaaang (;

Dear Mas Sufian ,
Hey babe . Do you know that I still love you ? I want to be with you forever . I just want you . & I just can`t bear to leave you alone like that . Seriously . & now , can you please _____ _____ _____ ? Cause I damn ______ you . Please ah please (; Forgive me for leaving you behind like that .



{♥}Elle Chiqanaz{♥}
5:32 AM